Posted: June 19, 2013 in fiction, Heart Warming, poetry, writing
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FLASHPROMPT Said The Moon  copyright-managua-gunn

Thank you to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for all her work and organization. You can visit her site and read through the other Flash Fiction Friday postings at:


For those who are new, Rochelle shares a photo prompt to which several #FridayFictioneers compose a 100-word flash of fiction. Come, sail away.

Here’s my contribution:

Asked The Moon

Twice they had come.

The first was a seven year voyage through high seas of youthful inexperience. Positioned perfectly, they were, yet were merely passing vessels. How the fates laughed.

The second was some years thereafter, within a common port, a reprieve from the wear of traveler’s lives. Their hands and hearts touched, minds met, holiness recognized, and they held tightly, shuddering, but their grip did necessarily slip as circumstances dictated.

Again, that fated laughter.

Will there be a third?” asked the moon. “Will armor be worn or will vulnerability and the tender heart prevail?”

The stars remained ever silent.


  1. Beautifully written as usual but an unusual POV and story well-rendered.


  2. Dear JK,

    One word. Breathtaking.



  3. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear JK,

    I was told to visit your story (though I do not need to be told) first. Not disappointed. Wery well written, to the point where I found myself saying those killer words….”Wish I’d written that”.



  4. nightlake says:

    unique style of writing. enjoyed it

    • JKBradley says:

      Thank you very much for visiting. Please feel free to enjoy other bites of flash fiction on this site if you wish, although most of the stories are somewhat darker.

  5. Intriguing and unusual take on the prompt. Making me think, which I hate to do!

  6. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    Very poetic, darling — quite different for you, but I enjoyed it nonetheless (who wants to be pigeonholed, am I right?)

  7. Hannah says:

    Intriguing but we are swallowed by the power of the words! Well-done!

  8. Linda Vernon says:

    This was so nice I read it twice! ;D Excellent! ;D

  9. Shreyank says:

    poetic take .. excellent

  10. Trudy says:

    That was beautifully written, mysterious and intriguing 🙂

  11. unspywriter says:

    The story is lyrical, very engaging.

    Here’s mine, more sensational than lyrical: http://unexpectedpaths.com/friday-fictioneers/the-unknown-soldier/

  12. rgayer55 says:

    I really liked this one, JK. As Doug said, “I wish I’d written that.”

  13. love this… so unusual take on the prompt… Really good

  14. Sarah Ann says:

    Beautifully wrought words, and touching. I found it intriguing for the moon to be asking and not to know/ be dictating the outcome.

  15. A touch of magical realism. Impressive stuff.

  16. marymtf says:

    I hope that it’s the tender heart that will prevail, but knowing human nature as I do, I don’t blame the stars for remaining silent.

  17. Dee says:

    i loved this, so well written and from such a different point of view.

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