Posts Tagged ‘Safari’

Flash Prompt ZOO copyright-el-appleby

Thank you to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for all her work and organization. You can visit her site and read through the other Flash Fiction Friday postings at:

For those who are new, Rochelle shares a photo prompt to which several #FridayFictioneers compose a 100-word flash of fiction. Come, your fortune awaits.

Here’s my contribution:

The Beasts Within The Glass

Inside the dark woman’s tent, incense smoldered, drapes muffled the carnival beyond. Ashby gazed into the glass as knotty fingers flitted above the orb spreading wide. With growing wonder she became hypnotized by the visions captured within.

Tell me what you see, my dear.”

A zoo…safari, maybe? Not really sure, but they are beautiful.”

What are, my sweet?”

The ground vibrated.

The beasts within the glass shuddered and soundlessly bayed, trapped in this silent film. Limbs were wrenched from bodies and melded onto others molding creatures of such strange beauty.

Your future, my delicate flower. Destroyer or creator. Choose wisely.”
